Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Citrix ICAClient didn't integrate with Firefox on Ubuntu Natty A2...

Citrix ICAClient didn't integrate with Firefox on my install of Ubuntu Natty Alpha 2. Not sure why, but resolved it by pointing it to the correct binary:

Thanks to:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

UbuntuStudio Natty Alpha 2 Good Radeon Performance and a Dying laptop

So I downloaded and install UbuStu Natty Alpha 2 to check it out. Mostly I wanted to see how video performance was with the newer 2.6.38 kernel and radeon drivers. Well the performance is much better than even with 2.6.26 which I run on my AVLinux install. I can even play Minecraft with it. :)

The sad news is that my laptop is finally starting to die. :( I get graphics freeze ups occacionally, usually after running something 3d for a while like Minecraft or Left 4 Dead. I finally get decent video performance on this laptop on Linux and it is burning out. Foobar.