Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Citrix ICA client on Linux, solving the missing Thawte Cert

When you install the Citrix presentation server client on Linux(ICAClient), it is missing an important file. To get the missing file do the following:
-open a terminal
brian@64studio:~$ cd /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/
brian@64studio:/usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts$ sudo wget

Now, you can open Citrix app with harmony. :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Installing Eclipse Galileo 3.5 on 64 Studio aka Ubuntu Hardy

The eclipse package that is in the repo for 64 studio is the old 3.2 from Ubuntu Hardy.  Let's get the newer Galileo Eclipse installed. Start by opening a terminal and installing the needed Sun Java packages.

brian@64studio:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts

Download the latest package of your desired variety from

brian@64studio:~$ tar xvfz eclipse-jee-galileo-SR1-linux-gtk.tar.gz

Your version may differ here.

brian@64studio:~$ sudo mv eclipse /opt/
brian@64studio:~$ sudo chown -R root:root eclipse
brian@64studio:~$ sudo chmod -R +r eclipse
brian@64studio:~$ sudo chmod +x `sudo find eclipse -type d`

brian@64studio:~$ sudo touch /usr/bin/eclipse
brian@64studio:~$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse
brian@64studio:~$ gksudo gedit /usr/bin/eclipse

Paste the following into the file:
#export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/usr/lib/mozilla/"
export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"

$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*

brian@64studio:~$ gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop

Paste the following into the file:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse IDE

Depending on your Java situation, you may have to tell it what version to use:

Start it up with:
brian@64studio:~$ eclipse
or goto applications > Programming > Eclipse!

Thanks to these pages for their help!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Installing ArdourXchange on OS X for Ardour / Harrison Mixbus

I will go through the steps to install ArdourXchange on OS X to be used with Ardour( or Harrison Mixbus(

First, we need to get Wine( installed.  MacPorts is an easy and safe way to build and install Wine on OS X. Follow the instructions here( to install MacPorts. Note, you will be required to install Apple's Developer Tools from your OS X DVD or download it from ADC( if its not installed already. Once MacPorts is installed, open a terminal and enter the command below.

$ sudo port install wine

This will run for a bit, and usually starts the big fan on my MacBook while its building. You should see an output like below if all goes well.
---> Computing dependencies for wine
---> Fetching wine
---> Verifying checksum(s) for wine
---> Extracting wine
---> Applying patches to wine
---> Configuring wine
---> Building wine
---> Staging wine into destroot
---> Installing wine @1.0.1_3
---> Activating wine @1.0.1_3
---> Cleaning wine

To test try getting the version(yours may differ).

$ wine --version

Now run the ArdourXchange setup.exe, note your path to the EXE may differ:

$ wine Downloads/setup.exe

Once the setup has finished, start up Mixbus and AAF files will show up in the open session dialog. Opening them will start the ArdourXchange( conversion.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ardour on OSX, Harrison Mixbus

I tried to get Ardour on my OSX machine running tonight.  I got Jack installed and running but Ardour keeps crashing when I create a new session.
I tried to run it from the terminal and got this output:
msp-003407:MacOS bbergstrom$ pwd
msp-003407:MacOS bbergstrom$ ./Ardour2
Ardour/GTK 2.8.2
(built using 5396 and GCC version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367))
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Paul Davis
Some portions Copyright (C) Steve Harris, Ari Johnson, Brett Viren, Joel Baker

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the source for copying conditions.
loading user ui configuration file /Users/bbergstrom/.ardour2/ardour2_ui.conf
ardour: [WARNING]: Unable to find UI style file . Ardour will look strange
ardour: [INFO]: Removed open file count limit. Excellent!
ardour: [WARNING]: no MIDI ports specified: no MMC or MTC control possible
ardour: [INFO]: Apple VecLib H/W specific optimizations in use
ODD: variable IO config for aufx - JASb - ElCa
ODD: variable IO config for aufx - mrev - appl
ardour: [INFO]: looking for control protocols in /Users/bbergstrom/.ardour2/surfaces/:/usr/local/lib/ardour2/surfaces/
ardour: [FATAL]: cannot find icon image for fader_belt.png

Hopefully I will hear some suggestions from the Ardour forums on why this is happening.

Part of my motivation to get this working on my Mac is because this new Harrison Mixbus channel strip plugin for Ardour OSX looks sweet.  It uses Harrisons DSP technology that they have used in their consoles for 30 years.  Check it out at :

Post back later about this.  Also, it sounds like 64 Studio 3 is testing to move to kernel 2.6.31 which would bring some really great improvements.  Hope it works out so it will be a nice up to date core system for a great studio OS.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

wicd, medibuntu, and ardour from source

Network manager has never worked well for me.  I have a Intel 3945ABG wireless card.  I always install Wicd because I like it. :)
 deb hardy extras
 sudo apt-get install wicd
This will automaticaly uninstall network-manager and add wicd to be started on login. 

I end up needing proprietary codecs and such, so next is to add the medibunu repository.

sudo wget`lsb_release -cs`.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get -q update && sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get -q update
Next, I install dependcies for ardour.  Details at
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev scons gettext pkg-config libtool libjack-dev libxml2-dev libart-dev libsamplerate-dev libraptor-dev liblrdf-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev liblo-dev libboost-dev libfftw3-dev libaubio-dev 
Get a newer lv2core package from here: 
Follow the install instructions.
./waf configure
sudo ./waf install
Get the slv2 package from here: 
Get dependencies:
sudo apt-get install librdf-dev
./waf configure
sudo ./waf install 

 Get the latests srouce from or the repo:

sudo apt-get source ardour
cd ardour-2.8/
scons --help

Check the scons output for errors and that support for LV2 is good.
My output looks like:

brian@64studio:~/src/ardour-2.8$ scons --help
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for pkg-config version >= 0.8.0... yes
Checking for gthread-2.0... yes
Checking for lrdf... yes
Checking for libgnomecanvas-2.0... yes
Checking for gtk+-2.0... yes
Checking for jack... yes
Checking for samplerate... yes
Checking for glib-2.0... yes
Checking for libxml-2.0... yes
Checking for raptor... yes
Checking for fftw3f...yes
Checking for fftw3...yes
Checking for aubio...yes
Checking for C header file fftw3.h... yes
FREESOUND support is not enabled.  Build with 'scons FREESOUND=1' to enable.
Checking for slv2... yes
WIIMOTE not enabled. Build with 'scons WIIMOTE=1' to enable support.
Congratulations, you have a functioning C++ compiler.
system triple: i686-pc-linux-gnu
Checking for C header file fftw3.h... yes
Checking for usb_interrupt_write() in C library usb... no
Checking for C header file linux/input.h... yes
Checking for FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_init() in C++ library FLAC... no
Checking for C++ header file boost/shared_ptr.hpp... yes
Checking for lo_server_new() in C library lo... yes
Checking for dmalloc_shutdown() in C library dmallocth... no
Checking for C header file alsa/asoundlib.h... yes
Disabled building Tranzport code because libusb could not be found
Checking for internationalization support ...
Found xgettext
Found msgmerge
Checking for C header file libintl.h... yes
International version will be built.
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/Headers/CoreAudio.h... no
Checking for C function posix_memalign()... yes
Checking for C function gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text()... yes

scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript 'manual/SConscript'
File "/home/brian/src/ardour-2.8/SConstruct", line 1427, in
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Headers/CoreServices.h... no
Checking for C function getmntent()... yes
Checking for C header file execinfo.h... yes
Checking for jack_client_open()...yes
Checking for jack_recompute_total_latencies()...yes
Checking for JackVideoFrameOffset in jack_position_bits_t enum...yes
Checking for jack_port_ensure_monitor_input()...yes
Checking for C header file wordexp.h... yes
Checking for C header file sys/vfs.h... yes
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h... no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Headers/ExtendedAudioFile.h... no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Headers/CoreAudio.h... no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Headers/AudioUnit.h... no
Checking for jack_set_thread_creator()...yes
scons: done reading SConscript files.

ARCH: Set architecture-specific compilation flags by hand (all flags as 1 argument)

WINDOWS_KEY: Set X Modifier (Mod1,Mod2,Mod3,Mod4,Mod5) for "Windows" key
    default: Mod4>
    actual: Mod4>

AUDIOUNITS: Compile with Apple's AudioUnit library. (experimental) (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

COREAUDIO: Compile with Apple's CoreAudio library (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

GTKOSX: Compile for use with GTK-OSX, not GTK-X11 (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

OLDFONTS: Old school font sizes (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

DEBUG: Set to build with debugging information and no optimizations (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

STL_DEBUG: Set to build with Standard Template Library Debugging (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

DESTDIR: Set the intermediate install "prefix" ( /path/to/DESTDIR )
    default: /
    actual: /

DIST_TARGET: Build target for cross compiling packagers (auto|i386|i686|x86_64|powerpc|tiger|panther|leopard|none)
    default: auto
    actual: i686

DMALLOC: Compile and link using the dmalloc library (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

EXTRA_WARN: Compile with -Wextra, -ansi, and -pedantic.  Might break compilation.  For pedants (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

FFT_ANALYSIS: Include FFT analysis window (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True

FREESOUND: Include Freesound database lookup (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

FPU_OPTIMIZATION: Build runtime checked assembler code (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True

LIBLO: Compile with support for liblo library (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True

NLS: Set to turn on i18n support (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True

PREFIX: Set the install "prefix" ( /path/to/PREFIX )
    default: /usr/local
    actual: /usr/local

SURFACES: Build support for control surfaces (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True

WIIMOTE: Build the wiimote control surface (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

SYSLIBS: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: CANCELS ALL SUPPORT FROM ARDOUR AUTHORS: Use existing system versions of various libraries instead of internal ones (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

UNIVERSAL: Compile as universal binary.  Requires that external libraries are already universal. (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

VERSIONED: Add revision information to ardour/gtk executable name inside the build directory (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

VST: Compile with support for VST (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

LV2: Compile with support for LV2 (if slv2 is available) (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True

GPROFILE: Compile with support for gprofile (Developers only) (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

FREEDESKTOP: Install MIME type, icons and .desktop file as per the spec (requires xdg-utils and shared-mime-info). "scons uninstall" removes associations in desktop database (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

TRANZPORT: Compile with support for Frontier Designs (if libusb is available) (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: 0

AUBIO: Use Paul Brossier's aubio library for feature detection (if available) (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: 1

AUSTATE: Build with support for AU settings & presets saving/loading (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

If you are interested in ardour-x-change( which addes AAF/OMF support, you can pledge some money towards the feature in Ardour's Mantis: 
The creator of AxC will send you the current version which runs in wine.  The donation is for a native version to be written.

Build away!


If all goes well:

sudo scons install

64 Studio 3.0 beta 3 Install and Setup

So I got a nice big hard drive for my laptop this week and am reinstalling XP and 64 Studio 3.0 beta 3 from scratch. I installed XP first and then 64 studio so GRUB would be my boot loader.
I booted from the install disc and installed normally with a partition for /, a partition for /home and 2 gig swap space. First thing I did when I got booted up was a 'sudo apt-get update' and I encountered a "partial upgrade" error. I remembered this was solved in the forum from the last time I installed. Steps to fix this beta 2/3 bug are at the post below.

I got an error I haven't gotten before:

Setting up acpid (1.0.4-5ubuntu9.3) ...
* Stopping Hardware abstraction layer hald [ OK ]
* Loading ACPI modules... [ OK ]
* Starting ACPI services... acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: No such file or directory
invoke-rc.d: initscript acpid, action "start" failed.
dpkg: error processing acpid (--configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1

Which I am working on solving.

My next steps are to install some of my favorite apps and restore my home folder with my audio project files. I will also be building Ardour 2.8 from source with LV2 support and ardour-x-change support to import AAF files from Pro Tools. More later. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The big O

I recently downloaded the new Opera 10. I have been using it for a few days now and I really like it. It starts up very quick, has great standards support and renders pages well, and has lots of great features. One I am really liking is the built in mail client. It integrates very well and is great for getting mail from my multiple accounts that I usually used webmail for. Firefox has been seeming kinda slow lately and I might switch to Opera as my main browser.

If you use Opera's M2 mail client with GMail IMAP you need to be aware of a few things because of GMails quirky IMAP implementation. Check these pages out to find out more.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

FOR PROFIT HEALTHCARE...that is just wrong.

FOR PROFIT HEALTHCARE...that is just wrong. Could you really watch someone bleeding to death, look them in the eyes and tell them to pay up, or their life is forfeit. Everyone is always patriotic enough to shoot people on the other side of the world to save lives, how about supporting health as a human right.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Twin Cities Local Love

The longer I live in the Twin Cities the more I like it. There really is a lot of people involved in local sustainable food and down to earth community. Plus, there is live music everywhere!
A few websites I discovered recently that are great resources:

This is like google maps but for bikes!

Yards to Gardens helps gardeners and lonely dirt spaces meet!

Find independently owned coffee, books, movies, and food in your area.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Triple bottom line

I was reading a Peace Coffee newsletter today which led me to a blog for a group called Sustainability Is Sexy. They make some very good points about how businesses need to adhere to the triple bottom line and not just profit.

a triple bottom line refers to a business practice of measuring and basing decisions on financial performance, ecological impact from company operations, and social effects on workers and their communities. At its reduction, the triple bottom line means caring about people, planet, and profit.

Alright, all this talk is making me thirsty for some java. Adios.