This will automaticaly uninstall network-manager and add wicd to be started on login.deb hardy extras
sudo apt-get install wicd
I end up needing proprietary codecs and such, so next is to add the medibunu repository.
sudo wget`lsb_release -cs`.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get -q update && sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get -q update
Next, I install dependcies for ardour. Details at
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev scons gettext pkg-config libtool libjack-dev libxml2-dev libart-dev libsamplerate-dev libraptor-dev liblrdf-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev liblo-dev libboost-dev libfftw3-dev libaubio-dev
Get a newer lv2core package from here:
Follow the install instructions.
./waf configure
sudo ./waf install
Get the slv2 package from here:
Get dependencies:
sudo apt-get install librdf-dev
./waf configure
sudo ./waf install
Get the latests srouce from or the repo:
sudo apt-get source ardour
cd ardour-2.8/
scons --help
Check the scons output for errors and that support for LV2 is good.
My output looks like:
brian@64studio:~/src/ardour-2.8$ scons --help
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for pkg-config version >= 0.8.0... yes
Checking for gthread-2.0... yes
Checking for lrdf... yes
Checking for libgnomecanvas-2.0... yes
Checking for gtk+-2.0... yes
Checking for jack... yes
Checking for samplerate... yes
Checking for glib-2.0... yes
Checking for libxml-2.0... yes
Checking for raptor... yes
Checking for fftw3f...yes
Checking for fftw3...yes
Checking for aubio...yes
Checking for C header file fftw3.h... yes
FREESOUND support is not enabled. Build with 'scons FREESOUND=1' to enable.
Checking for slv2... yes
WIIMOTE not enabled. Build with 'scons WIIMOTE=1' to enable support.
Congratulations, you have a functioning C++ compiler.
system triple: i686-pc-linux-gnu
Checking for C header file fftw3.h... yes
Checking for usb_interrupt_write() in C library usb... no
Checking for C header file linux/input.h... yes
Checking for FLAC__seekable_stream_decoder_init() in C++ library FLAC... no
Checking for C++ header file boost/shared_ptr.hpp... yes
Checking for lo_server_new() in C library lo... yes
Checking for dmalloc_shutdown() in C library dmallocth... no
Checking for C header file alsa/asoundlib.h... yes
Disabled building Tranzport code because libusb could not be found
Checking for internationalization support ...
Found xgettext
Found msgmerge
Checking for C header file libintl.h... yes
International version will be built.
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/Headers/CoreAudio.h... no
Checking for C function posix_memalign()... yes
Checking for C function gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text()... yes
scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript 'manual/SConscript'
File "/home/brian/src/ardour-2.8/SConstruct", line 1427, in
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Headers/CoreServices.h... no
Checking for C function getmntent()... yes
Checking for C header file execinfo.h... yes
Checking for jack_client_open()...yes
Checking for jack_recompute_total_latencies()...yes
Checking for JackVideoFrameOffset in jack_position_bits_t enum...yes
Checking for jack_port_ensure_monitor_input()...yes
Checking for C header file wordexp.h... yes
Checking for C header file sys/vfs.h... yes
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Headers/CoreMIDI.h... no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Headers/ExtendedAudioFile.h... no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Headers/CoreAudio.h... no
Checking for C header file /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Headers/AudioUnit.h... no
Checking for jack_set_thread_creator()...yes
scons: done reading SConscript files.
ARCH: Set architecture-specific compilation flags by hand (all flags as 1 argument)
WINDOWS_KEY: Set X Modifier (Mod1,Mod2,Mod3,Mod4,Mod5) for "Windows" key
default: Mod4>
actual: Mod4>
AUDIOUNITS: Compile with Apple's AudioUnit library. (experimental) (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
COREAUDIO: Compile with Apple's CoreAudio library (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
GTKOSX: Compile for use with GTK-OSX, not GTK-X11 (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
OLDFONTS: Old school font sizes (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
DEBUG: Set to build with debugging information and no optimizations (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
STL_DEBUG: Set to build with Standard Template Library Debugging (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
DESTDIR: Set the intermediate install "prefix" ( /path/to/DESTDIR )
default: /
actual: /
DIST_TARGET: Build target for cross compiling packagers (auto|i386|i686|x86_64|powerpc|tiger|panther|leopard|none)
default: auto
actual: i686
DMALLOC: Compile and link using the dmalloc library (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
EXTRA_WARN: Compile with -Wextra, -ansi, and -pedantic. Might break compilation. For pedants (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
FFT_ANALYSIS: Include FFT analysis window (yes|no)
default: 1
actual: True
FREESOUND: Include Freesound database lookup (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
FPU_OPTIMIZATION: Build runtime checked assembler code (yes|no)
default: 1
actual: True
LIBLO: Compile with support for liblo library (yes|no)
default: 1
actual: True
NLS: Set to turn on i18n support (yes|no)
default: 1
actual: True
PREFIX: Set the install "prefix" ( /path/to/PREFIX )
default: /usr/local
actual: /usr/local
SURFACES: Build support for control surfaces (yes|no)
default: 1
actual: True
WIIMOTE: Build the wiimote control surface (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
SYSLIBS: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: CANCELS ALL SUPPORT FROM ARDOUR AUTHORS: Use existing system versions of various libraries instead of internal ones (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
UNIVERSAL: Compile as universal binary. Requires that external libraries are already universal. (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
VERSIONED: Add revision information to ardour/gtk executable name inside the build directory (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
VST: Compile with support for VST (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
LV2: Compile with support for LV2 (if slv2 is available) (yes|no)
default: 1
actual: True
GPROFILE: Compile with support for gprofile (Developers only) (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
FREEDESKTOP: Install MIME type, icons and .desktop file as per the spec (requires xdg-utils and shared-mime-info). "scons uninstall" removes associations in desktop database (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
TRANZPORT: Compile with support for Frontier Designs (if libusb is available) (yes|no)
default: 1
actual: 0
AUBIO: Use Paul Brossier's aubio library for feature detection (if available) (yes|no)
default: 1
actual: 1
AUSTATE: Build with support for AU settings & presets saving/loading (yes|no)
default: 0
actual: False
Build away!
If all goes well:
sudo scons install